Worcester State University


Problem at hand: Universities across the nation have seen a significant decrease in English degree enrollment. Using my social media, analytical, and entrepreneurial skills, I was appointed to do an internship that would develop marketing strategies to best appeal to Worcester State University’s incoming students, and increase numbers in English department enrollment.

The marketing strategy that I came up with is simple; root out where the problem is stemming from with our personal English department, perfect the "branding," appeal to a select audience, ‘push a sale’ and increase enrollment numbers, then work to maintain those enrollment numbers.

Marketing Strategy:

· Create content and develop social media campaigns to market and promote Worcester State University’s English department

· Increase ‘brand awareness’ for the department

· Maintain brand reputation, virtually, through social platforms (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)

· Perform administrative tasks for Worcester State University’s English department

· Track various social media analytics

· Visually design graphics for Worcester State’s social media accounts, using Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Lightroom

· Communicate daily with the department chair and work together to prioritize tasks


Worcester, MA


Problem at hand: Sun City Tanning Salon has been branding themselves the same way that they did back when they first opened in 2004. Overtime, as social media continues evolving and the world of branding has had major acceleration since then, their marketing strategy became outdated. As someone who is constantly monitoring and analyzing trends, both live and virtually, I was recruited to help rebrand.

Marketing Strategy:

· Develop a new aesthetic, as the retro color palettes and retired typography became outdated

· Maintain brand reputation, virtually, through social platforms (Instagram and Facebook)

· Determined through analytics that Instagram is the store's most popular social platform

· Increase engagement on Instagram with more posting

· Visually design graphics for both in-store and online

· Communicate daily with the owners and work together to drive sales and analyze our success rates


Worcester, MA


Problem at hand: Worcester is a continually evolving city with an immense amount of small businesses at the heart of it. With population in Worcester always on the rise, more entrepreneurial movements continue to be made. With eight colleges and universities within the city of Worcester, there is little to no Entrepreneurial training or opportunities that are circulated.

For the last two years, I have worked diligently to dedicate myself to this issue; developing ways in which I could market Entrepreneurship for Worcester colleges.

Marketing Strategy:

· Developed a course curriculum for Food Entrepreneurship that is now being offered by Worcester State University and perhaps even neighboring schools.

· Proposed and developed the idea of a “Food Bike” business to be run in Worcester, that would open up Entrepreneurial opportunities for young adults and college graduates to test their business ventures out, before ultimately pursuing the full business on their own.




Problem at hand: Many major merchandise designing brands now of days no longer know how to appease the fans, which I'd imagine is resulting in a decline of sales. Too much of the merchandise that is created now of days is either outdated graphics or simply too basic for the heavy cost of the item itself. Ever since I was a child, music has been all I've ever known. It has been my biggest passion in life for as long as I can remember. As someone who grew up collecting pop music memorabilia from a young age and has been active with pop-culture fans on 'stan Twitter' for a decade now, I believe I have a great sense of what kind of merchandise artist's fans are looking for.

For the last few years, I have been designing various merchandise concepts in my free time, with the use of all different types of platforms that specialize in either digital imaging, typography, or graphic design. This year, I decided to start an Instagram page so I could keep all my merchandise concepts in the same place and build a portfolio of all that I design.

Marketing Strategy:

· Stay active on my Miley Cyrus Twitter fan page with both Miley's follow, and her management team's follow

· Use my 7k followers on Twitter to gauge what kind of merchandise the fans want

· Monitor and analyze trends in popular culture and popular culture merchandise

· Use the Adobe Suite and various other graphic design platforms to create digital mock-ups

· Post all designs on Instagram and promote them on all my social platforms, in hopes that one day Live Nation Merchandise will see them

*Designs can be seen here.